2023 Legislative Action
2023 Legislative Action

let's ask our senators to vote yes on #Fairmaps!
let's ask our senators to vote yes on #Fairmaps!
Senate District 7 (North Alameda County, San Leandro)
Senator Nancy Skinner: Call (916) 651-4009 Email Tweet @NancySkinnerCA
Senate District 9 (Sunol, Tri-Valley)
Senator Steve Glazer: Call (916) 651-4007 Email Tweet @Steve_Glazer
Senate District 10 (Unincorporated Eden, Tri-City)
Senator Aisha Wahab: Call (916) 651-4410 Email Tweet @aishabbwahab
Sample Script: Hello my name is _________, and I live in ___________. I am asking Senator ________ to support AB764 and AB1248. Fair Maps are the foundation of the democracy. People not the elected officials should draw maps. Thank you.